After years of scrolling through motorcycle ads on Craigslist, I decided to compile a list of popular terms and phrases you’ll find many sellers use. Below you’ll find the terms and phrases along with what they “really” mean. I hope you find them informative.
Light Scratches on Fairing
If I’m being honest it looks like someone took a cheese grater to the fairing. There is barely any paint left and the plastic is chewed up worse than a dog toy.
Nice Starter Bike (possibility 1)
I’ve already put plenty of scrapes and scratches on the bike and put a couple of dents in the tank so you won’t feel as bad when you inevitably drop it.
Nice Starter Bike (possibility 2)
Kawasaki Ninja 250
Must See to Appreciate
It looks less like a POS in person.
Lots of Mods
I bought a bunch of cheap crap off eBay and bolted it on my bike.
Needs Work
I took the bike apart and have no idea how to put it back together. I also lost some of the parts along the way. Good luck!
Crotch Rocket
I’m a squid and I’m looking to sell my bike to another squid.
I’m a dick who doesn’t understand how Craigslist or selling a motorcycle works.
Wheelie Machine
This bike needs new steering head bearings, front fork seals, a new clutch, possibly a new transmission, new sprockets and a new chain. Other than that; perfect condition.
Tires will make it through riding season
…assuming you ride less than 500 miles
No Title
This bike is stolen.
Street Fighter
This bike has gone down more times than your girlfriend. I broke all the plastics and I was either too poor, too cheap or too lazy to replace them. Instead I just put this ugly-ass headlight on it and since it’s obvious I can’t ride for shit I’ve decided to sell it.