Let me start by saying, ‘thanks.’ If it weren’t for those of you who watch, like, and comment on my videos none of this would have been possible.
Many of you have likely seen my last 2 annual breakdowns of how much my YouTube Channel and/or this venture I’ve named 2 Wheeled Rider financially earns in a year. If you haven’t, I’ll link them below. SPOILER ALERT! It’s not a lot.
I never really started the blog, YouTube Channel, riding events, podcasts, etc to make a lot of money. Motorcycle riding is my passion and something I want to share with as many people as possible. There isn’t a monetary value you could put on the all the cool experiences I’ve had or awesome people I’ve met over the last 6 years since I started the channel.
That said, to put out the quality of videos I do each year takes up a LOT of time and costs a considerable amount of money. Computers, hard drives, memory cards, software, cameras, drones, batteries, cables, lights, microphones, licenses…the list goes on and on. Every dollar I bring in and then some goes back the production value to bring you the best quality videos I can possibly make.
I get approached multiple times a week at this point with free products, reviews in exchange for money, endorsement deals and sponsorship opportunities and I turn down 99% of them. I only want to work with companies that 1) Will NOT censor my content 2) I actually believe in and 3) Will help my viewers/subscribers
So when Rocky Mountain ATV/MC reached out to me a few weeks ago about joining their influencer(I hate that term)/affiliate program, I said YES!
For those unfamiliar with affiliate marketing, basically if you click on a Rocky Mountain ATV/MC (RM) link that I post and place an order, RM pays me a small commission on that order.
I know many of you have heard me rant and rave about developing a relationship with your local dealer but I do recognize not all of you have great local dealers or even dealers who are local. Additionally, I know my audience is spread throughout the country and world so this partnership benefits a large amount of my audience.
They also meet all of my criteria.
- I will not be censored in any of my product reviews of their in house products or products they sell.
- I believe in this RM. I don’t even want to see how much money I’ve spent with them over the last fews years 🙂 Also, they support many of the race series by providing RM Cash to racers.
- It will help my viewers.
I suppose I should explain #3.
I believe it helps out all of you guys in the following way:
- The affiliate program brings more money into the channel for me to reinvest at no added cost to the viewers.
- They have nearly every tool and OEM part I would ever use in a Back in the Garage video. I’ll be able to provide you a direct link for you DIYers so you can get exactly what you need to keep your bike running at its best.
- They are going to occasionally send me products to test/review helping add additional content to the channel. (Also, these guys actually watch my videos. After the 990 reveal video, they reached out saying they wanted to help me get it properly outfitted so look for some cool product reviews soon. )
So what do you have to do?
Well nothing, really.
But before you place an order with RM, click on the link on the homepage of this website or in the description of my upcoming videos…that’s it.
You may not always agree with my opinions or reviews but I can promise you I’ll only ever recommend things I use myself and actually believe in.