I left 2 BIG things out of the video that you should pack…a cell phone and an air pressure gauge.
Unlike the video I’m going to break this down into a few categories.:
Must haves, Should haves, Nice to haves and finally clothing recommendations.
Must Haves:
Tool kit- As I stated in the video, most bikes come with a factory tool kit. You should be familiar with what’s in your kit and add tools you may need.
Tire Repair Kit* – You WILL get a flat tire one day but don’t let that ruin your trip. Carry a tire repair kit and you’ll be able to save a ton of money not having to call a tow truck AND finish your trip.
Air Pressure Gauge* – I carry a small digital gauge which can be found here Accutire MS-4710B Motorcycle 5-99 PSI Digital Tire Gauge It takes up almost no space and comes in handy should you have a flat.
Cash – Believe it or not, there are still places that don’t accept credit or debit cards. Always carry some cash in case of an emergency.
* If someone in your traveling group has one, you don’t necessarily need to have one on your bike too.
Should Haves
Cell Phone – I’m sure some of you may consider this a ‘Must Have’ but there are plenty of places cell phones still don’t work and sometimes it’s nice to not be bothered so I’m going to file this under ‘should haves’ and leave it up to you to decide.
Map/GPS – You really should have one or both of these. I cover both of their merits in the video. Well, I thought I did…guess I forgot to record it. To read more about the GPS on my bike click here. To purchase one or read more reviews check out the Amazon link below.
Rain Gear – Ride far enough and/or long enough and you’re going to get caught in the rain. Some decent rain gear is some really cheap insurance to stay dry.
Charging Cables – If you’re taking electronic devices (bluetooth headsets, cell phones, tablets, GoPros, etc) then you need to take their chargers along, otherwise they’ll be useless once the batteries run dead.
Sunglasses – Just trust me on this one.
Ball Cap – Throw one in your tank bag to help better deal with ‘helmet hair.’
Nice to Haves
USB Wall Charger – I use this one I bought off Amazon for about $12. Wall outlets are at a premium in most hotel rooms so being able to charge 4 devices at once is really convenient. Also, the charger takes up very little room on the bike.
Polish/Cleaner and Towel – By the end of a day’s ride the front of your bike will look like a graveyard to bugs. I like to clean mine off at the end of everyday. Also a kit like the one below from Liquid Performance is great for keeping your visor and helmet clean as well.
Clothing – (not counting what you’re wearing)
Overnight trip: 1 pair of underwear, 1 pair of socks, 1 shirt
2-4 night trip: pair of underwear for each day, pair of socks for each day, shirt for each day, 1 (maybe 2) extra pairs of pants
5 night or more trip: 4 pairs of underwear, 4 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of pants. Do laundry every 5 days.
Extras: Ball cap, sunglasses, swim suit, shorts, sandals or some shoes like a Chuck Taylor that packs small. It’s nice to get those riding boots off for awhile in the evenings. Also nice to have a shoe to change into if you’re going to be doing some walking during the day. Also a good idea to pack an extra layer.
PS – Also don’t for get to back your toiletry bag!!
What do you pack on your trip??